"Everybody lives, Rose! Just this once — everybody lives!"Another Doctor Who art commission from Big Chief Studios! Portrait of the Ninth Doctor as played by Christopher Eccleston - it's meant to be a dually melancholy/hopeful piece, as it was inspired by both the triumphant scene in The Doctor Dances, as well as his bittersweet regeneration scene at the end of the season. (I think the nanogenes really resembles the golden light of regeneration? Maybe it's intentional, as they both cause change/revival? These were my thoughts...) Part of my Doctor Who poster series.
"Rose, before I go, I just want to tell you, you were fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. And d'you know what? So was I."
painting took even MORE hours and tears than my Tenth Doctor painting,
which I didn't think was actually possible... I'm sorry, I have to talk
about this. I was basically crying to everyone I knew, I was struggling
with the likeness and the pose and just EVERYTHING, think I worked on
this on-and-off for nearly four months. OTL I had to repaint the hands
so many times; in the end, I just set up lights and had my poor
boyfriend (who had to listen all the crying) do the same pose and took
my own reference photos... Aaanyway. Finally finished. Painted in Photoshop CS5 with a Wacom Cintiq tablet.
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